The Jeevarakshai alcohol rehabilitation center in Chennai provides direction amid mental illnesses and addiction. We know that it's normal to feel lost and confused, and that getting support is not only acceptable but also necessary for recovery.
Do not be alarmed if you are facing addiction and mental health issues yourself or if you are seeing a loved one suffer! At jeevarakshai alcohol de-addiction centre in Chennai, recognized as one of the leading rehabs in the state, we firmly believe in the power of transformation and the resilience of the human spirit.
Our method focuses on the fundamentals and incorporates science, therapy based on proof, counseling, and support organizations to help you break free from the grip of addiction and mental illness. Our caring group of skilled professionals is committed to helping you find your inner strength again, start living again, and rekindle your desire for a happy, healthy life.
Located in the center of Chennai, our facility is prepared to assist you. Let's set out on a groundbreaking journey toward long-term healing and rekindled optimism together.
Because of their high population density and excessive alcohol consumption, the districts of Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Assam, and other states are regarded as high-risk locations.
Addiction to drugs and alcohol has become a serious problem in our country, affecting millions of lives. A Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (2019) research estimates that 160 million Indians are battling alcoholism and other illicit drug addictions.
As the top de-addiction center in Chennai, we have a strong commitment to providing thorough, empirically supported treatment plans for those with mental health issues. The knowledgeable staff at Jeevarakshai Drug Rehabilitation Center in Chennai is adept at understanding the complexities of mental illness and tailoring treatment plans to meet your specific requirements.
We at the Jeevarakshai alcohol and drug de-addiction a center in Chennai are working together to dismantle stigma, promote progress, and create a culture that openly supports mental health.
Since 2019, our facility has served as a 20-bed hospital for male and female inpatients and outpatients with mental problems as well as addiction to drugs and alcohol. An individual's emotional, psychological, and social well-being is referred to as their mental health. There is a need for a comprehensive mental health system since physical and mental healths are intimately related. Our center's main goals are to enhance resilience, encourage healthy coping, and promote positive mental health.